Whatever your financial goals were at the start of 2020, chances are high you’re starting to flip coins. You don’t have to spend a fortune to get some dollars and sense in the middle of a world crisis.
Whether you need help revising your budget, getting out of debt, saving for retirement, or tips for buying a home while interest rates dive for cover, listening to podcasts is a free and convenient way to tap into expert knowledge.
We listened to dozens of personal finance podcasts to tip you about the smart money. Consider adding these four picks to your playlist and watch your free time start to pay dividends.
1) Stacking Benjamins: Best at making finance approachable
With a great sense of humor, the hosts of Stacking Benjamins are dead set on financial literacy. Many podcasts hosts want to have the last word on blockchain. Stacking Benjamins instead go for introducing a wide range of ideas, concepts and technologies that can help you lock-in a better financial future. From where to invest, to how to pay down debt, to tips on how to save money, this approachable podcast is worth the investment.
2) Money for the Rest of Us: Best at talking financial shop
Money For the Rest of Us with David Stein is a podcast about money, how it works, how to invest it and how to live without worrying about it. A new episode is released on Wednesdays and the show has more than 14 million downloads. It never hurts numbers when the host is a former professional money manager who has managed billions. If you long to know more about “Coins and Cash: Shortages,” or “What the Federal Reserve’s New Policies Mean For Your Finances,” Stein offers insights on the financial implications of today’s headlines. The show has a massive archive. But there’s a bonus: titles are easier than choosing a bond type.
3) HerMoney with Jean Chatzky: Best at framing finances for women
For women who want to understand how to save, spend and invest money from a peer, HerMoney with Jean Chatzky is a sure bet. Retirement, careers, credit cards and the growing interest in investing with purpose are all included in this balanced portfolio of finance topics. The podcast has a robust website and a diverse community of strong, smart women behind it.
4) NPR’s Planet Money: Best at explaining economics without graphs or charts
The short of it: This podcast is about the economy explained. If you’re long on inflation and deflation, supply and demand, Planet Money is for you. Twelve-years strong, this podcast was launched in 2008 to cover the crash of 2007. But a great run also means one of the largest archives on the economy. Where to start listening? Fear not. In May 15, 2020, the show hosts put together a short list of listener favorites. It’s a great place to start leveraging your financial future.

As BurstMarketing’s Chief Content Manager, Marisol guides the content strategy for your podcasts and develops engaging narratives that lead to audience growth. With more than twelve years of experience as a writer and producer, Marisol has created award-winning content for e-zines, magazines, videos and podcasts. As a former news reporter, she’s skilled in using storytelling to engage audiences.